Henry David Thoreau quote - Library Way - NY City

The end point for our study of Dear America is that you are going to end up writing an essay for this text. Your text response essay will need to discuss:

- how the text constructs meaning
- how a text conveys ideas and values
- how a text is open to a range of interpretations

(Beardwood, 09, p.67).

Our learning/study of the text is about preparing for this. It is about getting to know the text well so that you will develop ideas and points of view about it that can be discussed in an essay.

Of course, to be able to discuss one's ideas and points of view in an essay one needs to have strategies and skills for approaching essay writing. This blogspace will discuss what an essay is, ways one can approach writing an essay and the little tips and tricks that one can use to help prepare for writing essays under SAC and exam conditions.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

General Quotes

“We stalked those men as prey.” - James McLeory, page 65.

“Leaves you deaf for the rest of your life but just how long will that be?” - George T. Coleman, page 78.

“Vietnam has my feelings on a seesaw.” -  George Williams, page 105.

“Well, I’ve had my baptism by fire, and it’s changed my I think.” -  Robert C. “Mike” Ransom, Jr., page 180.

“It’s great to know your family’s safe, living in a secure country; a country made secure by thousands upon thousands of men who have died for that country.” -  Rodney R. Chastant, page 211.

“We are the ones you sent to fight a war you didn’t know a thing about.” - William Ehrhart, page 233.

“Please pray for me, Debby.” - Alan Brundo, page 265.

“There are a lot of mixed emotions.” - John Hagmann, page 274.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Bradley,
    I am the John Hagmann that you refer to on your blog.

    I was quite surprised to be called by my son-in-law and be told that there was a reference to me on the internet relating to Vietnam.

    I hope your project is going well and that your students are finding some value in the reading of the letters that make up the book.

    If I can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me. My e-mail is john2145@aol.com

    Have a great day.

    John Hagmann
