What the?

(image source: http://www.yesicanusechopsticks.com/thesequel/photos/journal-pics/incidental.JPG)
If you can incorporate some incidental learning into your study throughout the year it will put you in a much better position to achieve in your SACs and exams than if you don't.
In preparation to write essays for Dear America you can:
* Print of copies of the free downloadable text article for Dear America at http://www.englishforyear12.com.au/ and place them in accessible places such as your bedroom and loungeroom.
* Develop quotes posters that you can put up in your bedroom, above the kettle, on the dunny door and walls, in the glovebox (if you get lifts to sport and work), in the VCE centre, or anywhere else you think is useful. Perhaps your mirror.

(image source: http://www.yesicanusechopsticks.com/thesequel/photos/journal-pics/incidental.JPG)
If you can incorporate some incidental learning into your study throughout the year it will put you in a much better position to achieve in your SACs and exams than if you don't.
In preparation to write essays for Dear America you can:
* Print of copies of the free downloadable text article for Dear America at http://www.englishforyear12.com.au/ and place them in accessible places such as your bedroom and loungeroom.
* Develop quotes posters that you can put up in your bedroom, above the kettle, on the dunny door and walls, in the glovebox (if you get lifts to sport and work), in the VCE centre, or anywhere else you think is useful. Perhaps your mirror.
* Notice errors/typos in writing, become an editing reader.
If anyone has any other suggestions please leave them as a comment.
If anyone has any other suggestions please leave them as a comment.